The Five Types of Gamified Experiences

The Five Types of Gamified Experiences

Blog, Gamification, Serious Games
When starting to discover gamification it is important to have an understanding of what gamification is, and what it isn't, and how it fits in with the other gamelike experiences we encounter in life. Is Gamification the same as Serious Games? Are Simulations actual Games? To try to make the distinctions between gamified experiences a little more clear, I have put together a chart which show the essential differences and where each one sits in relation to the others:     To break this down further, I will briefly go through each type of gamified experience: Games On the chart, Games are at the bottom left. They use elements of gameplay such as rules and scoring and are created primarily for entertainment purposes. There is no purpose beyond playing the…
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Serious Games – Instructional Design Best Practices

Serious Games – Instructional Design Best Practices

Blog, Serious Games
When building a Serious Game it is a good idea to consider an Instructional Design process and applying the principles of Instructional Design. This infographic illustrates best practices in instructional design for Serious Games and using game mechanics and gamification to engage the user. Find more education infographics on e-Learning Infographics
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